President's Excellence Fund Symposium Welcome to our Virtual Event X-Grants | T3

Transcript – Antihistamines Cause Mesenteric Lymphatic Vessel Dysfunction and Development of Metabolic Syndrome

Good morning, everyone, and this is where we prepare hydroxyl formulation of tests 13 for systemic delivery of the drug is our published work indicated that oral administrational drug cause obesity like metabolic syndrome can be avoided by changing out of administration from oral to topical. So we prepare our digital formulation using hydroxy profile metals as a polymer and transfer all is information and said and exhibiter got permission to throw synthetic and Pickersgill. And we prepare nine formulations to determine if ecto formulation, variable and quality attribute or the formulation permission was increasing with transcultural and uploading concentration and viscosity and creams with polymer concentration and theological examination indicated that formulation may not be stable above 35 degrees C in future. We want to determine the permission for human cadaveric skin and determine internal structure of DayJet by small angle X-ray diffraction and compare pharmacokinetic and pharmaco dynamic of oral and topical formulation of desolating. And I would like to thank you. They listed for funding this. I said, well, thank you.