President's Excellence Fund Symposium Welcome to our Virtual Event X-Grants | T3

Transcript – Cr(VI) Toxicity Targets p53-SIRT1-Mediated Germ Cell Death that Leads to Premature Ovarian Failure

Hexavalent chromium is used by more than 50 industries, environmental contamination with chromium six has been increasing in the United States. Chromium contamination in drinking water causes various health issues in women, including infertility, stillbirths, cancers and premature abortions. My lab is interested in identifying the mechanism of chromium in causing premature ovarian failure. Early studies identify the p53 gene as the potential target for chromium toxicity, current study identified Septillion One as the novel candidate for chromium toxicity. Settlement wouldn’t be a surveillance piece of debris and casting it inactive for the children. And pregnant rats were treated with chromium in drinking water. Odors from the embryos. Newborn pups are the previous battle rats were analyzed. Our results indicate that chromium increases terms of death are also a death in the infant offsprings are infant daughters. Chromium approved lids are activities 53 Pathway and shuts down sirtuin one chromium also activates filtered proteins and inhibits cell survival proteins, resulting in death all safety generation. In addition, DNA microarray data revealed that chromium abrogated two thousand seven hundred sixty five genes and down Jugulator two thousand seven hundred eighty nine genes. Chromium, disorganized microtubules leading to abnormal segregation of chromosomes. Overall, all data suggest that prenatal exposure to chromium through drinking water systems, cell death are also death and disrupt amniotic cell division leading to abnormal behavior of the chromosomes and abnormal segregation of the chromosomes leading to premature ovarian failure. Using this novel datasets that applying to any grants. And we appreciate and are very grateful for the president’s excellence funding this year.