Transcript – Perovskite Optical Metamaterials
Pyramus guides are promising materials in many applications such as photovoltaics, Arad’s optical communications. However, in many of these applications, the control of lights emission profile from perovskites is critical and it remains unsolved. In our work, our Piroska and optical metamaterials enable direct and arbitrary fayaz control of perovskites emission. And we demonstrated a perovskites directional emitter x an example. You know, Petrovski Metamaterials, Amay, PBI three synfuel is embedded inside a cavity consisting of Dielectric Brek reflectors and a Silver Sinkfield, a silicon metal surface with non-uniform cylinders is utilized to achieve directional emission. Or man of material is designed to achieve a directional emission by controlling the first shift from the non-uniform Sidiki surface. The device is fabricated, using heaping evaporation, spin coating, EPMD orthography and reactive etching. During the optical measurements, the Petrovski metamaterials remained stable, the moment and space images showed the angled directional emission as compared to the sample without the deflector. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a design directional light emission from a perovskites optical material. The mechanism can be applied to the arbitrary control of light emission profile from four hours guides, which could facilitate more devices such as cell focusing, perovskites lenses and perovskites orbital angular momentum generators. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank the general support from the grant.