Transcript – Unraveling Pathological Mechanisms of Muscular Dystrophy
The pathogenic mechanisms of muscular dystrophy remain poorly understood at the molecular and cell levels, the complexity of pathological processes and limitations of individual approaches create a major roadblock for mechanistic studies in this important biomedical area. In our project, we combine the power of Drosophila model organism with innovative biophysical and biochemical strategies to uncover conserved mechanisms of muscle dystrophies associated with defects and protein. Ominouslation protein oscillation is a translational modification that is important for the function of District Leiken, a membrane protein that plays a crucial role in muscle physiology. We developed and resourceful a model of muscular dystrophy associated with defects in human oscillation. Using this model, we investigated the muscle elasticity and destruct like an recombining activity in ominouslation mutants. We found that ominouslation defects lead to significantly decreased muscle elasticity, which also revealed that resourceful Destra Leiken combined mammalian laminin, which uncovered remarkable conservation of district like unmediated interactions. Taken together, our results shed new light on molecular and cell, the functions of protein, ominouslation and its involvement in pathological processes. Our project established novel strategies for non-invasive and sensitive diagnostics that can be potentially used for the prediction of disease progression.
Finally, our project provided conceptual foundation and initial data for further research into pathological mechanisms associated with muscular dystrophy.